We started this project knowing that we wanted to choose an individual in history that we thought had a profound effect on history and their accomplishments still effect us today. Right away we knew that we were going to do our project on Henry Ford. We came to this conclusion because Henry's accomplishments are apparent in our everyday life. After we chose Henry Ford, we decided we wanted to create a website. We thought that a website would best suit our interests, however, neither of us had any experience on designing a website.

     We did a lot of research on how to make a website. We first tried creating our website without using any website software and only HTML text. This proved to be very difficult. We then tried Web Creator and disliked the program format. We then discovered Synthasite.com and decided this was the program we would use. Synthasite.com has since become yola.com. After doing our research on Henry Ford we then collaborated on the final design for our website and created the website. 

     We did a majority of the research using the internet. We read books that we checked out at the local library to help us. We viewed videos about Henry Ford's accomplishments. We found useful and complete information in the websites, books, and videos we looked at.

     The project took approximately 90 days to complete. Our time on the project was evenly divided between researching Henry Ford and creating the website. This project has helped us better understand how the influences of a single person can change our lives and the world. It further developed our computer skills and our knowledge of the internet and the websites on it during this project.     

Make a Free Website with Yola.