"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."-Henry Ford

As a child, Henry Ford was not enthusiastic about school. Instead, he liked to tinker with mechanical things such as bicycles and carriages. As a young adult Henry worked at the Edison Illuminating Company. This began his career in engineering. After being promoted to chief engineer, he received enough money to fund the Ford Motor Company.


Soon after the beginning of the Ford Motor Company, Henry Ford revolutionized the world. At his Ford Motor Company located in Detroit, Michigan, he created the first Model T on October 1st, 1908. Five years later on April 1st, 1913, as a result of Ford’s ingenuity, the first mass assembly line began production. In 1914, Henry Ford raised the minimum wage of his employee's which help create a middle class in the United States.


The concept behind the creation of the Model T made it the first car available to the general public because of its affordability. The creation of the mass production assembly line automated the manufacturing process, making it easier, quicker, and less expensive while increasing productivity. His decision to raise the minimum wage of his employees virtually created a middle class in the United States because it gave his workers discretionary income to spend. Without Henry Ford's revolutionary contributions transportation, manufacturing and world economics could have clearly taken a different path.

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