
This website provided  information on Henry Ford's childhood, gave us many facts, such as Henry Ford financing a pacifist expedition to Europe. It also showed  the beginning of the Henry Ford's career and the beginning of Ford Motor Company. This is a primary source. 

On this website we  found information on the past and current labor laws and minimum wage increases. We also found out that the Federal Labor Standards Act establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment.  This is a primary source.

This website provided us with information on the current status of the Ford Motor Company. This is a primary source.

At this website we found information about Henry Ford's childhood, his early adulthood, and his interests in engineering. We also found information on the legacy left behind by Henry Ford at this website. This is a secondary source.

We obtained  pictures of the Model T and the Assembly line at this website. These pictures are primary sources because they preserve the memory of the original Model T and Assembly line.

We found information that helped us construct part of our timeline at this website. This is a secondary source.

We found a video of the assembly line and its hardships at this site. This is a primary source.

We found quotes of Henry Ford at this website. This is a primary source.




Author: Tilton, Rafael. 

Title: Henry Ford

Publisher San Diego : Lucent Books/Thomson Gale, c2003.

We found information about Henry Ford's original interests with engineering we used this in our introduction. We found out that he had always had a big interest in engineering. This is a secondary source.


Author: Bankston, John, 1974

Title: Henry Ford and the assembly line

Publisher: Bear, Del. : Mitchell Lane Publishers, c2004.

We found valuable information about the assembly line and problems creating it, and why he wanted to create the assembly line in this book. This is a secondary source.


Author: Burgan, Michael. 

Title: Henry Ford

Publisher: Milwaukee, WI : World Almanac Library, 2002.

We found information on the raise of the minimum wage in 1914 and how drastic it was compared to other companies wage. We also found out how this book helped developed the middle class as compared to other companies during that time period. This is a secondary source. 




Biography Henry Ford: Tin Lizzy Tycoon:

We found infromation on the accomplishments Henry ford achieved. This video gave us facts that we used in our timeline.




Towe Automobile Museum Sacramento, CA

At the Towe Automobile Museum in Sacramento, CA we were able to view many Model Ts and Model As and many of the other early Ford Motor Company productions. This is a primary source.


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